3 Prayers That Will Change Your Life
Ramadan is a precious gift to us, bestowed from God, which comes around once a year, allowing us to purify and renew our intentions.
The search for a spouse can be a long and sometimes slow one, this blessed month encourages us to take time with ourselves, to focus on bettering our character, to take care of our spiritual and mental health; to take time with our prayers, and to be mindful that each action, thought, and word that leaves our mouth, is one of beauty.
Below is a list of du’aas that we hope you derive benefit from. Let’s take time to read over, learn and implement these in our daily lives – so we can change our lives, insha’Allah! May this Ramadan be the most beautiful we have experienced so far in our lives, and may God grant us many more, ameen. Speak these du’aas from the depths of your heart, with sincerity.
Let’s begin!
- Hasbi’Allahu wa’nimal wakeel
- ØَسْبُÙ†َا اللَّÙ‡ُ ÙˆَÙ†ِعْÙ…َ الْÙˆَÙƒِيلُ
- Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).
— Qur’an | 3:173
Whoever truly trusts in Allah, Allah will take care of him, He will provide for him in a manner he did not expect. Allah will take care of your calamities, He will take care of your distress, He will make an escape route for you.
Hasbi’Allahu wa ni’mal wakeel; what is a wakeel? A protector, a disposer of affairs. A wakeel can also be translated as a ‘lawyer’ in some languages; somebody who you can place your trust in, to take care of your affairs.
Muslims believe that Allah is Al Wakeel. The Wakeel. When you say hasbi’Allahu wa ni’mal wakeel, you are recognising that Allah alone is sufficient, He is enough. When faced with a difficulty, we must also understand that we as believers should do everything in our power to change our circumstance. Do your best, and then place your trust in Allah, and truly believe that He will take care of you. Tie your camel!
One day Prophet Muhammad (ï·º) noticed a bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the bedouin,
‘Why don’t you tie your camel?’ The bedouin answered, ‘I placed my trust in Allah.’ At that, the Prophet (ï·º) said, ‘Tie your camel and place your trust in Allah.’
— Tirmidhi 2517
The lesson from this Hadith is that we need to use all resources available to us to solve our problems, and then trust Allah for the outcome as ‘Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.’ (Qur’an, 13:11). Sometimes we can very easily forget that we have to place our own efforts in solving our problems; effort and struggle is required from us if we truly want to achieve or attain something, then we must place our trust in Allah, and have conviction that He will help us through.
When A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was accused with slander, the first phrase she uttered in response was, hasbi’Allahu wa ni’mal wakeel. To protect A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), Allah sent down 20 verses of Qur’an to the earth, that we still recite to this day. This is what happens when you place your trust in Allah – when it comes from your heart, when you say it with sincerity, when you assign your Lord to take care of your affairs, He will most certainly protect you.
Let us use this du’aa in times of distress and hardship. Surely Al Wakeel will look after us and handle our affairs; He will certainly provide for us a way out.
- La ilaaha illa anta subhaan’aka inni kuntu mina’dhaali’meen
- لا إلهَ إلا أنتَ سُبْØَانَÙƒَ Ø¥ِÙ†ِّÙŠ ÙƒُÙ†ْتُ Ù…ِÙ†َ الظّالِÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†َ
- There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.
— Qur’an | 21:87
This is the du’aa of Younus (peace be upon him)… Story time!
Younus (peace be upon him) gave up on his people, and left his city without Allah issuing the command for him to do so; this was a transgression. Younus went on to boarding a ship; once here, the people noticed there were too many people onboard. After drawing lots, and losing, Younus (peace be upon him) had to fling himself from the ship and into the ocean. This happened in the darkness of the night, whilst a thunderstorm was taking place.
Younus (peace be upon him) fell deep into the ocean, where he was finally swallowed by a whale. Allah inspired the whale to not devour Younus, but rather, to imprison him. From the darkness of the night, the pits of the ocean, and the depth of the whale’s stomach, Younus (peace be upon him) called out to his Lord:
لا إلهَ إلا أنتَ سُبْØَانَÙƒَ Ø¥ِÙ†ِّÙŠ ÙƒُÙ†ْتُ Ù…ِÙ†َ الظّالِÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†َ (There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.)
In this du’aa, Younus (peace be upon him) recognises that there is nobody worthy of worship except Allah, and then he acknowledges his own wrongdoings and transgression. This is a Prophet of Allah, admitting and recognising his own wrongdoing, and humbly seeking his Lord’s forgiveness. After Younus (peace be upon him) recited this du’aa, the whale began to swim to the top of the ocean, and proceeded to spitting Younus out safely onto the shore.
So, We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the believers.
— Qur’an | 21:88
How beautiful is this ayaah? Does it not give you a sense of hope and contentment? Allah plainly states, the He saves. He will save us, if we are to call out to Him. He will respond to us. We all have our own darknesses, just as Younus (peace be upon him) did; issues with family, marriages, friendships, finance, education, amongst much else – however, the solution to all our problems is well within our reach – all we must do is turn back to Allah. When we are are confronted with our own darknesses, we should call out, just as Younus (peace be upon him) did.
No Muslim ever prays to his Lord with these words, but He will answer his prayer.
— Recorded by At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa’i in Al-Yawm wal-Laylah
- Ya Muqallib al quloob, thabbit qalbi ‘ala deenik
- ÙŠَا Ù…ُÙ‚َÙ„ِّبَ الْÙ‚ُÙ„ُوبِ Ø«َبِّتْ Ù‚َÙ„ْبِÙ‰ عَÙ„َÙ‰ دِينِÙƒَ
- O Changer of hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion
Shahr bin Hawshab said: ‘I asked Umm Salamah (wife of Prophet Muhammad ï·º): ‘O Mother of the Believers! What was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (ï·º) said most frequently when he was with you?’
She said: ‘The supplication he said most frequently was: ‘O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion (Ya Muqallib al quloob, thabbit qalbi ‘ala deenik). She went on to say: ‘I asked him ‘O Messenger of Allah (ï·º), why do you supplicate this so frequently?’
The Prophet (ï·º) replied: ‘O Umm Salamah! Verily, there is no human being except that his heart is between Two Fingers of the Fingers of Allah, so whomsoever He wills He makes steadfast, and whomever He wills He causes to deviate.’
— Authentic Hadith in Sunan At-Tirmithi. Hadith #3522
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